USE CODE "20OFF" and get 20% off on your order! And enjoy 50% off strollers, wheelchairs and walkers when renting a scooter using the code "Holiday50"

Mobility Scooter Rental - Please being kind to those with mobility scooters

Theme Park Scooter Rental News By Gold Mobility Scooters LLC.

Its come to our attention that a lot of people that are in need of rental mobility scooters suffer without them just from fear of backlash from other guests that feel they really don't need them. Shame on them! Whatever your mobility issue is don't suffer at the parks just because you don't want to be judged by others. Those people that judge you have a lack of understanding, patience, or they were just the mean kids you remember back when you were at school. Yesterday I personally confronted a guest at the park that was being rude, and mean to a mobility customer of another company not us. The lady was in tears, and wanted to just go home. I reported the incident for her to Security immediately, and after they investigated the person admitted what they said then they were ejected from the park! We spent some time talking to this really nice lady. I convinced her not to let this one person ruin her vacation. She decided to stay!

If I see personally see anyone being bullied I will take action, and I hope others would do the same. I've read blogs about Mobility Scooter abuse at the parks, and understand its a problem. Its very difficult to determine what disability a person has from physical appearance. For GMS 70% of our mobility customers are 55 years old and older, some have a handicap, or have other mobility issues. Some just cannot walk 75 miles in 7 days and really want to see everything possible while visiting the theme parks. Some just want to be able to keep up with their family's pace. Some are affected by high heat, and suffer from exhaustion from Heat. So they rent the Victory 10 scooter with the cooling fan, and add one of our Free oversized sunshades. Anyone who frequents the parks constantly see's emergency medical teams called out to help guests that have passed out from heat exhaustion. Don't be a victim of heat exhaustion.

For $179.99 a week its not worth the risk not to have the scooter for them. The parks allow them on the busses, boats, and monorail system. They are easy to transport, park and maneuver. We deliver in person and train every single customer free of charge on the scooter they rent. All the mobility scooter models we rent are 100% theme park approved. There is virtually almost no where you can't bring a scooter these days. Everyone who has rented one of our scooters with sunshades says it's vastly improved their trip, and has made it more comfortable for them, and has allowed them to do and see way more than they expected. They go home feeling normal not having to spend weeks recovering from their dream vacation trip. Thanks for listening!

At Gold Mobility Scooters we make it easy to book your scooter on line or over the phone. We delivery the rental mobility scooters directly to you in person at your hotel on your schedule, and pick it up the same way. We provide the best and newest mobility scooters for a price that can't be beat apples for apples with what we include. A personally assigned 24 Hour personal concierge is on duty for questions or help. Peace of mind damage waver insurance is included, a host of Free accessories are included, extended range batteries so you never need to worry about plugging them in, and what every special accessory you need is free. If you decided to call in your order NO DEPOSIT IS REQUIRED. No matter where or when you order NO SECURITY DEPOSIT IS TAKEN, their is NO CHANGE FEE's and NO CANCELLATION CHARGES ever.

Your Gold Mobility Scooters team

Order Desk Hotline 407-424-0287 8AM-8PM 7 Days a Week!